Complex Carvings & Inlays Made Affordable Using CNC Technology

October 21, 2016

“A machine is only as good as its operator” is an adage that has been handed down over the ages. In the modern day, this holds true when speaking of CNC machining.

CNC (Computer Numerical Control), a technology which can be used to create artistic products of any size or complexity, has become a buzzword of the digital age. During the past couple of decades, the quest to translate intangible digital information into real-world objects has fired the imaginations of manufacturers and hobbyists with rapid popularity.

For veteran designer, Grant Nicholson, of Upper Canada Stretchers, the use of CNC technology has become both an art form and a technical obsession.

“The great works of history, from statues to cathedrals, were produced by manpower. In today’s realm of escalating labour costs, the use of [CNC technology] makes equally incredible creations possible within realistic budgets. It changes the way we think and enhances possibilities.”

UCS is offering Nicholson’s services to the world. Products include canvas stretchers of any shape and size, services for contractors, fully carved artistic elements and inlays, carved doors, staircase parts and mass production items, as well as dimensional signage.

“It all begins with good drawings. Twenty-some years of vector editing combined with an intense knowledge of materials has put me in a great position to respond to a broad range of clients. Our work has gone all over the place, from small-town Ontario, across Canada and the US, to Europe and even the United Arab Emirates. There is a real need for the work we do and our expertise provides the solutions our clients are seeking. We encourage creative thinking.”

Below is a very small selection of Nicholson’s work; see our CNC pages for more. To get a quotation on custom work, call UCS at 1-800-561-4944 or email us.

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