Cleveland Ohio Artist Shares Her Story

OHIO ARTISTJill West Hungerford has been an artist for 37 years that now resides in Cleveland Ohio. Since childhood, art has played an important role in her life. At age 21, Jill decided that she was going to quit her job as a waitress and pursue her dreams to become a full-time artist. Her portfolio has grown throughout the years into an impressive and diverse collection of artwork. She continues to fulfill her grandmother’s wishes by signing her full name on her works.

Another Frame testimonial: “Hello Canada, Please see my paintings below that feature an Upper Canada Stretchers frame, I love it by the way. Thanks so much. Hope to do a lot of business with you in the future.
Best Regards, Jill West Hungerford”

Jill studied fine art at the Ohio State University, the Columbus School of Art and Design, and the Cleveland Institute of Art. She furthered her skill of metalsmithing and cloisonné by apprenticing under Audrey Don. In addition to her expert advice, Audrey Don offered Jill the use of her studio and equipment while helping Jill to build her own studio.

The experiences that Jill has had over the years have contributed to the evolution of her art. She has 12 years of experience creating cloisonné. Her gift for vibrant colours is an essential part of her artwork. Jill receives many compliments about her art, many people have described her artwork, saying, “Your work feels alive, and has energy.”

Others have described Jill’s work, saying that it has “Feeling,” or “Sensitivity,” and that her art is “A creative mix of realism and imagination.” Jill’s various abilities have offered her many different opportunities, allowing her to explore all types of commissions. Jill uses her feelings and emotions as guides to how she creates her art.

Jill says, “I don’t believe that things are always as they appear to the single observer. I know my perspective will be different from others. Part of the beauty of art is its’ subjective value.” Her portfolio includes commissioned and retail items made for commercial, industrial, and residential use.

Jill has created murals, paintings, and silk art. She has also created artwork using swimming pools, and teepees. She loves to take on the projects that will challenge her. Jill takes in the world around her, using nature as a guide to create her masterpieces.

Jill currently lives in Cleveland Ohio. If you are interested in any of her artworks, or would like ask about a commission, you can find her at: Send her an e-mail at: Or you can give her a call at: 216-548-2736.
She would love to hear from you! Join with her social media accounts

linkedin: jill west hungerford

Pinterest: jill hungerford

Etsy: Jill West Hungerford

Facebook page: jill west hungerford
Facebook profile: jill west hungerford

Instagram: jill_west_hungerford

Tags: ohio artist Ohio fine artist

filed under Artist Bios - Canvassing the Artists, Blog, USA ARTIST.