See Artist John Mccoy Assemble A 12' X 5' Mural Canvas Stretcher

March 23, 2018

When John McCoy received his 12’x5′ canvas stretcher kit from Upper Canada Stretchers, he decided to film the process of putting it together and turn it into a time-lapsed video. John kept the camera rolling as he unpackaged his stretcher bars and supplies, assembled the stretcher, stretched his canvas and primed it in preparation for painting.

It was all a part of a project for All Saints Academy in Grand Rapids, Michigan. John is a Catholic artist and this particular piece incorporated the namesakes of the four local parishes involved in the founding of All Saints Academy: Blessed Sacrament, St. Alphonsus, St. Isidore, and St. Jude. The large canvas mural will commemorate the school’s history and will surely inspire students for generations to come.

Ready? Watch John expertly assemble his canvas stretcher in preparation for painting another of his excellent murals.

You can follow John on Facebook here to keep up with all his latest projects.

Tags: Choose the Right Stretcher Bars Fine Art Education How to stretch canvasLarge canvas Video