The Art & Craft of Coping With Social Distancing

March 29, 2020

'The World is Temporarily Closed' sign - Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash

Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash

As COVID-19 continues to turn lives upside down across the globe, we, at Upper Canada Stretchers, have been thinking about how we can support our community in the arts. With situations changing by the hour, it is confusing and unsettling, causing worry about the health and safety of our loved ones and ourselves, challenges with juggling family and work in the same space, and real concern about finances as those in the arts are hit particularly hard.

For many, being told to stay home has created an unfamiliar abundance of time which can present endless opportunity. However, as Twitter user Joi-Marie (@joimariewrites) points out, “I’m starting to resent everyone saying ‘It’s a great time to be a creative’, or, ‘Why don’t you write a book during social distancing?’ A lot of creatives are empaths and anxiety and confusion isn’t the best recipe for quality output.”

With no concrete notion of when life may return to “normal”, we have decided to start a blog series we’re calling, “The Art & Craft of Coping With Social Distancing”. Moving forward, we will be posting ideas we’ve collected to try to provide emotional support, inspiration, and hopefully some fun into this crazy experience. We are asking people to comment on these blog posts, our Facebook page, Twitter, or even by email with your own ideas and experiences of what is working for you. As a thank you, on Tuesday of each week, we will do a draw from those who post to win a different product from UCS. We hope that the collective creativity of our incredible community will help inspire and remind us all that we’re here for each other and we’ll get through this.

“Democratic society needs its unique and diverse cultural and media landscape in this historical situation, which was unimaginable until recently. The creative courage of creative people can help to overcome the crisis. We should seize every opportunity to create good things for the future. That is why the following applies: artists are not only indispensable, but also vital, especially now.”
Germany’s culture minister, Monika Grütters, announcing a 50 Billion Euro aid package for the arts.

Ways to Protect Your Emotional Health During Social-Distancing

How are you really? Supporting your Emotional Health

Photo by Finn on Unsplash

We’ve all heard the recommendations from health officials about how to protect our physical health during this global pandemic but what about our emotional health? There are countless emotions being triggered by the constantly changing situations around us and it’s hard to know how to deal with those. Your emotional and psychological state have a powerful impact on your health, including your immunity, so it is vital that you pay attention to and take care of it.

The following articles contain excellent information and suggestions from experts in their fields on things you or others may be feeling at this time and how to cope.

That Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief

Five Emotional Precautions to Take During the Coronavirus Pandemic

An Astronaut’s Guide to Self-Isolation

How to Talk to Your Kids About Coronavirus

What have you been doing that has been helpful for you and your family? Share your suggestions below or send us a message on Facebook, Twitter, or by email. The April 7th draw will be for a 12” Impress Framed Round Canvas or Stretcher in your choice of black, white, or unfinished.
