William Betts - Digital Artist, Houston, TX

William Betts is an accomplished artist whose work mesmerizes me. He exhibits internationally, has won many awards. His digital art images of some series are haunting views from above as if I am a surveillance camera examining people and their travel and perhaps leisure(?) activities unseen. The question mark is because I am not quite sure, I have always a question, about what I am looking at in this work. He makes an insidious reminder that we can never be quite sure, there is always room for a different interpretation, if only we knew all the context, which we never will…

The line and moire pattern oil drawings reverse the direction of seeing, as if now I am looking into my own brain, seized by an indefinable, unsatisfied, curiosity, about what it is doing…
You can see for yourself what I am describing at William Betts’ website or at Thatcher Projects, one of many galleries showing his work.

Here are four video clips with William conversing about his work and work life..

How he got started
His media and themes
Evolving to?

Filed under Artist Bios - Canvassing the Artists, Featured.