Tom Gilleon - Painter, Montana

Tom Gilleon is a free-range westerner, his work as large as his soul and both are in the big sky tradition of the West as we have always thought of it. Maybe there’s some fantasy in our idea of the West, but that idea, enlarged and made beautiful in Tom’s work, haunting as sunset, exciting as sunrise,continues to inspire us. Tom’s bold colours, bold icons, utter skill in drawing, engage all our senses in a world we would wish to be part of without end.

His story is truly compelling. If you wished to create a childhood that would make a person into a great artist, choose his childhood. Maybe it was just luck for him. But maybe the Universe had a job for him to do, and made sure he got the right parents and grandparent to set him on the path. Listen to my interview with him and be happy we get to share the Planet with such a man. …

Website full of great images
Click these for short audio interviews with Tom

How Tom got started

His Media/Themes

Evolving to?


filed under Artist Bios - Canvassing the Artists, Featured.