Jack Saylor - Painter of The Sea, North Carolina

When looking at Jack Saylor’s paintings, I find the words tumbling through my head like waves breaking onto the shoreline….

Amazing mesmerizing exciting profoundly calming detail, romantic like the name sailor the sea stories our history… I am delighted that a man with the name Saylor has such intelligent precise craftsman ship evoking in me the salt smell of the ocean, the cries of seagulls, rolling ponderous waves the romance of the sea which is embedded in the DNA of many of us, though may never have been to sea yet we are of the ocean, our very blood composed the same, as much or more than of the land… No matter where I found myself living I would want his images on my wall, to make my history ever present…

Jack says:

“It is my desire to incorporate my deeply embedded European influences into subject matter which is universal, that being the sea, I’ve always painted the sea. The sea is our home and our life.”

Slideshows of his paintings with our conversation:

Introduction How Started Theme

Media and Technique

Aiming High to Keep Quality, Constant as Sea

Marketing The Sea Facebook

Why He Uses Upper Canada Stretchers

Visit his website for exquisite images, fascinating projects: https://www.jacksaylor.com/