Annie Howell - Adams - Artist, Friday Harbor, Washington

Professional Title: Artist

Business Name: Funk & Junk Antiques

Address: 85 Nichols Street, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
United States

Associations/Affiliations: Member Arts Student League of New York
Founder, San Juan Art Workshops

Artist/Gallery Background: Indie Artist, working with individual clients. I have devoted 1/3 of our antique store as a gallery space for my paintings.

Description of Art Activities: I love it all! Everything from portrait to abstract. I paint outside when the weather is reasonable. I concentrate on oils, but anything can be good… paper collage, mixed media, wire, found objects, acrylics. I like to fauve things up.

Thoughts/story about your experience working with UCS products and services.
Very happy with my stretcher experience. I had a big commission to do and it needed to be professional in every way, that’s when I discovered UCS.


filed under Artist Bios - Canvassing the Artists, Featured.